We're Supported By You!

The Better Life Membership

We've designed a subscription that follows and supports you throughout your life, as you navigate the different perspectives of The Better Life Framework. Joining the membership offers you personalized knowledge, tools, and community programs as you need it, when you need it.

We're Here To Help

We believe in sharing openly so we can co-create and collaborate to maximize shared knowledge and experiences.

Our work has been made 100x better with the thoughtful contributions of our amazing Co-x3 Family.

We believe that growth-minded thinkers experience drastic life improvements and bring positive impacts on the world when they:

  1. Grow their knowledge with best practices and fundamentals.
  2. Are equipped with systems to take action on their learning.
  3. Have a community to never struggle alone.

Thus, we support our patrons by providing meaningful and relevant tools to support them on their growth journey. We've spent countless hours into R&D to build programs to help every member in our community live a better life.

When you support us, you're sending a signal that what we're doing is valuable and pushes us to continuously innovate and deliver more value.

Become A Member

LVL 1: Understand Yourself

$10.00 per month

Start your growth journey right by getting the support you need to learn about yourself.
  • Wall Of Fame
  • Exclusive Discord Roles & Channels
  • Access To Exclusive Live Events (Office Hours, Live Builds, and more!)
  • Chat With Co-Creators
  • Monthly Giveaways
  • 10% Discount On Digital Products

LVL 2: Unlock Your Potential

$25.00 per month

Get access to the right resources at the right time that you need to level up efficiently.
  • Wall Of Fame
  • Exclusive Discord Roles & Channels
  • Chat With Co-Creators
  • Access To Exclusive Live Events (Office Hours, Live Builds, and more!)
  • Monthly Giveaways
  • 10% Discount On Digital Products
  • Exclusive Store Items
  • Early Access To New Resources
  • Monthly Group Q&A

LVL 3: Make Positive Impact

$50.00 per month

Accelerate growth by requesting resources that benefit you and the community.
  • Wall Of Fame
  • Exclusive Discord Roles & Channels
  • Access To Exclusive Live Events (Office Hours, Live Builds, and more!)
  • Chat With Co-Creators
  • Monthly Giveaways
  • 10% Discount On Digital Products
  • Exclusive Store Items
  • Early Access To New Resources
  • Monthly Group Q&A
  • Personalized Thank You Video
  • Request Features & Resources

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