10% off for Members

L-CTRL Notion Template Pack

813,88 kr SEK
10% off for Members. Promotion auto-applied on checkout.

You Control What You Do Today.

We often struggle to lead meaningful, organized lives because staying on track can feel like a chore.

This Notion Template Pack...

  • โ€Helps you plan and organize your life around your purpose;
  • Motivates you to pursue your own definition of success;โ€
  • Ensures you win consistently by saving your learnings;

What You Get

Lifetime access to full pre-built integrations between the Be Intentional Series ($49) and #theGamificationProject ($25). This means one-click duplication exclusive centralized dashboards, and seamless user experiences.

Returns and Refunds

As this item involves a digital product, there will be no refunds. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase in any way, please email us over at support@x3.family so we can explore how we can be more helpful on your growth journey.