Gamified Habit Tracker Notion Template

¥2,289 JPY

Why do we see our daily quests as chores that we have have to do, instead of quests that we get to do? 

This Notion Template...

  • Turns habits into opportunities to earn XP and gold;
  • Helps you pursue 1% improvement everyday;
  • Makes it easier to build good habits and break bad ones;


Part of the Gamify Your Life Template Pack

What You Get

Get Lifetime Access And Unlimited Updates To:

  • Habit Tracker
  • Bad Habit Tracker
  • Leaderboard
  • Activity Log
  • Sample Gamified Tracker

Returns and Refunds

As this item involves a digital product, there will be no refunds. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase in any way, please email us over at so we can explore how we can be more helpful on your growth journey.